The family of Mr. Thomas Dewey Courtney, USN, have asked The Patriot Guard Riders to provide escort and stand in silent Honor and Respect for Thomas Dewey Courtney, 71, US Navy. Mr Courtney went to be with the Lord on June 22.
Staging: 9:30 AM.
Burnside Funeral Home
607 S Virginia Avenue
Bridgeport, West Virginia 26330
Ride Captain:
Boonie Jarvis
Special Instructions:
Flag-line: In place by 10:00 AM.
After services flag-line will be in place for transfer to hearse.
We will escort to West Virginia Cemetery, Pruntytown, approximately 12 miles, for full Military Funeral.
There should be a State Police escort along with PGR/ALR riders.
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, while attending the services please adhere to the Federal, State and CDC guidelines for social distancing and it is recommended that a proper face mask be worn.
Won’t you join with us as we say “Thank You” and “God Speed” to another of our Nations Hero’s.
Flags & Water:
Flags will not be provided
Large Bike Flags will NOT be needed.
Water WILL NOT be provided, please bring your own.
Submitted By: Susan Whitlatch
Position: West Virginia Ride Captain