The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited to stand in silent Honor and Respect for Russell David Davis, 81, U.S. Navy Veteran, for his final services on Saturday, 29 August, in Fairmont, WV.
Russell went to be with the Lord on 25 August.

Staging Time: 10:15 AM

Carpenter and Ford Funeral Home
209 Merchant St.
Fairmont, West Virginia 26554

Ride Captain:

Buddy Myers (myersbuddy@hotmail.com) is the RCIC.

Special Instructions:

Mission briefing at 10:45 AM.
Flag line will be in place NLT 11:00 AM and maintained until the start of services at 12;00 PM.
There will be NO escort for this mission.
Early weather is for temperatures near 80 with a 100% chance of thunderstorms. This is the remnants of Hurricane Laura so please exercise extreme caution and dress/travel accordingly.
As there is no escort, bikes will NOT be needed.
Won’t you join with us as we say “Thank You” and “God Speed” to another of our native sons who willingly answered the call to arms to help preserve and protect your freedom and liberties.
Flags & Water:
Flags will not be provided
Large Bike Flags will NOT be needed.
Water WILL NOT be provided, please bring your own.

Submitted By: Susan Whitlatch
Position: West Virginia Mission Submitter