Although unable to make this an “official” PGR mission, we have been invited pay Honor and say Thank You to GM2 Danny Dietz, USN Seal who was KIA in Afghanistan in 2005.
Danny was one of our Heroes whose actions were chronicled in the movie The Lone Survivor.
His Mother, Cindy Dietz-Marsh and her husband, Don, are coming to the area as guests of our members and very good friends, Alan and Tracy Litman, parents of EOD CPO Nick Null.
While here Alan and Tracy would like to treat them to a ride, possibly to Hillbilly Hot Dogs, on Saturday, 26 July, and they’ve invited all to attend.
We will gather at S&P Harley Davidson at 0945 on Saturday morning and await their arrival around 1015. Alan will call as they are leaving their home and we will set up an “unofficial” flag line for their arrival.
Current long-range forecast is for temperatures in the mid-80’s with a 30% chance of showers, which translates to a 70% of good riding weather!
If you have nothing else planned for the weekend, why not spend it giving thanks and showing your heartfelt appreciation to the FAMILIES of those who made the Ultimate Sacrifice for YOU!
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