The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited to stand in silent Honor and Respect for MM2 Joseph Ashley, U.S. Navy, as a bridge is dedicated in his Honor. MM2 Ashley went to be with the Lord on 9 Jan 2005 as the result of the USS San Francisco, SSN 771, ran aground while enroute to Australia. This dedication is scheduled for Sunday, June 23, 2019 at 4:00 pm.
Staging Time: 3:30 PM
Staging will be at or near the bridge.
Mission briefing at 3:45
Directions: Traveling from I-77, take Ripley Exit, following Rt. 33 to Spencer. At Spencer, first light turn left on Rt. 14 to Barrcutt Road. There will be a sign that says Gilboa Baptist Church. The bridge is approximately 8 miles from the Barcutt Road Entrance.
Ride Captain:
Martin Van Noy (subnavy73@yahoo.com) is the temporary RCIC.
Special Instructions:
Flag line will be in place prior to the start of services at 4:00 PM and will be maintained until the conclusion of the ceremony.
A reception will follow at the Church Park.
Flags & Water:
Flags will not be provided
Flags will not be provided
Large Bike Flags will NOT be needed.
Water WILL NOT be provided, please bring your own.
Submitted By: Delores Minear
Position: West Virginia HOTH Coordinator
Position: West Virginia HOTH Coordinator