The Patriot Guard Riders have been asked to participate in the official flag dedication/ raising ceremony at Valley Harley Davidson, at the Highlands on April 21, 2018.
We have been asked to raise the American flag, during the National anthem, and also provide a flag line during the ceremony. We have also been asked to do the opening invocation, and pay respects to our veterans. Valley Harley has been very supportive of our military, LEO’s, and first responders, and they have also been very supportive of the PGR in past circumstances. They will be offering a 10% discount to all military, veterans, LEO’s, and first responders for the remainder of their grand opening that day.
Primary Staging Time: 0815 A.M.
127 Fort Henry Road
Triadelphia, West Virginia – 26059
Ride Captain:
Special Instructions:
Ride briefing; 8:30, with flag line in place by 8:45.
We will also be setting up our information table, and are asking for volunteers to assist, if needed.
Early weather forecast is for overcast with showers at times. High 63F. Winds ESE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of sunshine 60%.
Flags & Water:
Large Bike Flags will NOT be needed.
Water WILL NOT be provided, please bring your own.
Submitted By: Joe Cumblidge
Position: State Captain
Triadelphia, WV 26059