The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited to stand in silent Honor and Respect for Joseph Cumblidge US Coast Guard Veteran and West Virginia State Patriot Guard Captain. Joseph served in the Coast Guard with the Rank of Petty Officer First Class from 1969 – 1980. Joe was an RM-Radioman and Primary Unit 1974-1976, Eight Coast Guard District, New Orleans, LA.

Staging Time: 11:30 AM

Myers Funeral Home & Crematory

600 Main Street
Sistersville, WV 26175
(304) 652-6531


Ride Captain:

Carl Spade,


Special Instructions:

Mission brief at 11:45 AM.

Flag line will be in place NLT 12:00 PM and maintained until the start of services at 1:00 PM.

At the conclusion of services, flag line will be set for Joe’s dignified transfer to the hearse for his final journey.

Escort will be provided to Greenwood Cemetery, Sistersville, WV, where our flag line will be set and maintained for his graveside services.

Please dress and travel accordingly.

Won’t you join with us as we say “Thank You” and “God Speed” to another of our native sons who willingly gave of his time and effort to defend your freedom and liberties.