This IS a West Virginia mission, originally scheduled to leave from Charles Town but, due to unavailability of a RC, Sandy Allis Hohne from Maryland graciously agreed to lead, with assistance from our newest District 5 RC, Stephen Chapman:
This is the final itinerary for the Patriot Guard Mission to honor Ronald Ray Roggenkamp, a US Army Vietnam Era Veteran, who died March 28, 2013 at his home surrounded by his family. It is a go, all contacts have been made. The Roggenkamp family has graciously extended the invitation to us to accompany them as Ronald Roggenkamp makes his final journey to Arlington National Cemetery.
Ronald Ray “Butch” Roggenkamp was born in El Campo, Texas on 3 March 1948. He enlisted in the United States Army in the late 60’s during the Vietnam Era. A training injury kept him from combat duty. After his discharge, he became a letter carrier for the U.S. Postal Service where he was fondly known as “Butch the Mailman” by everyone. After working 21 years he retired. Butch then went on to his life’s work as a Volunteer for the National Park Service. He amassed a staggering 8,000 hours of volunteer service with the NPS and received the Presidential Call to Service Award in 2012. He gave demonstrations to school groups on the fine art of “Flint Knapping,” a skill he was renowned for. Many of the knives and arrow heads he used have been donated to the National Park Service and are on display. Butch is survived by his loving wife, five children and numerous sisters and brothers.
Ronald Ray Roggenkamp is to be interred on the hallowed grounds of Arlington National Cemetery on 16 September 2013 at approximately 1500 hours from the Administration Building. PGR will be there to stand tall silent and proud in honor of this American Hero, his family, friends and comrades at arms
Part One:
Stage: 1230 hrs. @ Harpers Ferry Exxon, 37245 Jefferson Pike, Purcellville, VA 20132
Brief: 1245 hrs.
KSU: 1300 hrs. (Time Approx.)
Arrival: 1415 hrs. @ ANC (Time Approx.)
Ride Captain: Sandy Hohne @ 410-259-5791 cell
Part Two:
Stage: 1330 hrs. IWO Jima War Memorial
Brief: 1345 hrs.
KSU: 1355 hrs. Transit to ANC rendezvous with escort
Honors: 1500 hrs. Graveside ANC (Time Approx.)
Ride Captain: Patrick “Frenchy” Segui @ 571-314-3357 cell
Iron Horses are preferred, and cages welcomed as always.
Mounted large flags preferred for the escort to ANC (furl upon ANC parking).
*Make sure your flag rigs will withstand highway speeds*
Large hand-held flags NOT used in ANC for graveside services.
Military mandated ID / gear NOT required for this mission.
Dress & hydrate accordingly – Check the weather:
NOTE: Concealed/carry permits are NOT recognized on military installations and federal reservations. Therefore do not bring firearms to this mission!
Bruce “Robocop” Gentile
Asst State Captain, ANC Team
301-542-6707 (cell)
Purcellville, VA 20132