
The West Virginia Patriot Guard Riders have been requested to participate in escorting the cremains of Civil War Veteran Jewitt Williams as he is being transferred from Oregon to his former home in Maine where he will be reinterred with full military honors on Sunday, 14 Aug. Jewitt has been “missing” since his passing in 1922.

West Virginia Ride Captain Boonie Jarvis is the designated RCIC for our portion of this mission.

Staging will be at the WV Welcome Center on I-79S in Morgantown, WV.

Staging time: 0800.

Briefing: 0815

KSU: Approximately 0830.

We will be accepting Jewitt’s cremains from PA o/a 0830 then proceeding across I-68E to Grantsville, MD for a short rest break after which we will continue on to Hancock, MD for the dignified transfer to the Maryland PGR.

Boonie will announce during the briefing whether his cremains will be returned to PA upon arrival in Grantsville or he will be continuing on to Hancock.

Early weather forecast for Sunday is for temperatures near 80 with a high chance of precipitation. Please dress and travel accordingly.