
The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited to stand in silent Honor and Respect for Sgt Dennis R. Evans, U.S. Air Force, Vietnam Veteran, for his final services on Thursday, 21 Jul 16.  Dennis went to be with the Lord on 17 Jul.

Services will be held at the Elk Funeral Home, 2001 Pennsylvania Ave., Charleston, WV ( beginning at 1100.

West Virginia Ride Captain Ken Helmbright ( is the designated Ride Captain in Charge of this most Honorable Mission.

Staging will be at the funeral home at 0930.

Mission briefing at 0945.

Flag line will be in place NLT 1000 and maintained until the start of services.

At the conclusion of services, flag line will be reset as Dennis is transferred to the hearse for his final journey to Floral Hills Cemetery, 6839 Sissonville Dr., Sissonville, WV (

Upon arrival at the cemetery, our flag line will be reset for the duration of graveside services.

Weather forecast for Thursday is for temperatures in the low 90’s with 0% chance of precipitation.  Please ensure you keep yourself well hydrated.

If possible, won’t you join with us as we say “Thank You”, “Welcome Home” and God Speed to another of our native sons who willingly stood the line in defense of our freedom and liberties.



Charleston, WV 25302