US Army Vietnam Veteran (2)

The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited to stand in silent Honor and Respect for Ronald Blake Lee who went to be with the Lord. It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing of an American Hero. Ronald Blake Lee died on October 13th, 2016.  Ronald was a U.S. Army Veteran and served two tours in Vietnam.  The Hastings Funeral Home in Morgantown, WV, are handling funeral arrangements, with interment on 19 October 2016 at the National Cemeteries of the Alleghenies, 1158, Morgan Road, Bridgeville, PA. His family has requested that the PGR join them in honoring their loved one at his funeral service and burial.

Funeral services will be held on Tuesday, 18 October 2016, beginning at 11:00 a.m. at the Hastings Funeral Home, 153 Spruce Street, Morgantown, WV 26508 (  (304-292-8664).

Burial will be held on Wednesday, 19 October 2016, beginning at 1430 at the National Cemeteries of the Alleghenies, 1158 Morgan Road, Bridgeville, PA ( ).


Will be at the McDonalds, 19 Commerce Dr, Morgantown, WV 26501 (

Directions: From North or South on Interstate 79, get off at exit 152. Staging area is three miles from the funeral home.

Staging time will be NO LATER THAN 0915.

KSU at 0930.

Flag Line will be in place by 0945 and will be maintained until the start of services.


Staging: 1345.

National Cemetery of the Alleghenies (
Located at POW Circle in The National Cemetery Of The Alleghenies.

Briefing: 1400.

Flag Line: 1415.

Interment will be at 1430.

Ride Captain:  ASC West Aaron Zeff, (724) 587-5626, (

As NCA is Federal property, absolutely NO weapons of any kind are permitted!

Please bring your 3×5 flags if you have them.

Weather forecast for Morgantown is calling for temperatures in the low 80’s on Tuesday with a 0% chance of showers and temperatures in the upper 70’s with a 20% chance of showers on Wednesday.  Please dress and travel accordingly.

Bikes and cages are both welcome.

WV RC Boonie Jarvis ( is the RCIC for this Mission of Honor on 10/18/16.

If possible, won’t you come out and join us as we say “Thank You”, “Welcome Home” and “God Speed” to one of our own who willingly gave of his time and effort to help protect our freedom and liberties.



Westover, WV 26501