Video created by Rick Hickman, PGR member from Wheeling, WV.img032

It is with heavy heart that I am inviting the Patriot Guard Riders to stand in silent Honor and Respect for my Father, my Hero, CPL Paul R. “Russ” Cumblidge, U.S. Army WWII Veteran. Dad went to be in the Lord’s Army and reunited with my Mother early in the morning of 12 Aug 14.

Dad was an Anti-Tank Gun Crewman with Hqs Co., 2nd Bn, 167th Inf Regt, 31st Div serving in New Guinea and on the Phillipine Islands during the war in the South Pacific.

Visitation will be at the Myers Funeral Home, 600 Main St., Sistersville, WV ( on Friday, 15 August, from 1600-2000.  PGR will NOT participate in the visitation.

Funeral services will held at the First Baptist Church, 506 Wells St., Sistersville, WV ( on Saturday, 16 August, beginning at 1300.

Interment will follow in Greenwood Cemetery, Old State Route 18, Sistersville, WV (  Escort to cemetery will be provided at which time a flag line will be set and maintained until the conclusion of graveside services.

Ride Captain assignment is currently pending.

Early weather forecast for Saturday is for sunny skies, temperatures in the mid-80’s and a 0% chance of precipitation.  Please watch the weather and dress/travel accordingly ensuring you keep yourselves well hydrated.

Monitor the thread for Ride Captain assignment along with staging time and location.

If at all possible, please make a concerted effort to attend this most honorable mission and help us say “Thank You” and “God Speed” to another of America’s Greatest Generation.



Joe Cumblidge

State Captain

West Virginia Patriot Guard


Sistersville, WV 26175