
The Patriot Guard Riders have been requested to stand in silent Honor and Respect for Alfred “Al” Joseph Childers, U.S. Navy, Korean War Veteran for his final services on Thursday, 07 Jan 16.  Al went to be with the Lord on 02 Jan.

Services will be held at the Chambers & James Funeral Home, 1030 Main St., Wellsburg, WV ( beginning at 1100.

West Virginia RC Ed Gill ( is the designated Ride Captain in Charge of this most Honorable mission.

Staging will be at the funeral home from 0915-0930.

Mission briefing at 0945.

Flag line will be in place prior to the family’s arrival at 1000 and will be maintained until the start of services.

At the conclusion of services, our flag line will be set for his dignified transfer to the hearse.

Escort will be provided to the Highland Hills Memorial Gardens, 401 Archer Hill Rd., Follansbee, WV (, a distance of approximately 3 miles.

Upon arrival at the cemetery, our flag line will be set and maintained during graveside services.

Weather forecast is calling for partly cloudy skies, temperatures in the high 40’s and 0% chance of precipitation.  Please ensure you dress and travel accordingly.

Understanding this is a work day for most, if possible, please put forth the effort to stand for another of our Heroes from what is commonly referred to as“The Forgotten War”.  Let us make certain the Al’s service is never forgotten by a grateful Nation.



Joe Cumblidge

State Captain

West Virginia Patriot Guard

Wellsburg, WV 26070