The family of PGR Ride Captain Gary Gaskins have requested our presence at a celebration of life for this dedicated PGR member. Although not a Veteran, one couldn’t find anyone who was more dedicated to our Mission Statement and ensuring all received the Honor and Respect he or she deserved. He had no limits on his travel distance other than his work schedule. He was a fairly familiar face in the Flag Lines at Arlington National Cemetery while he lived here. He was a PGR Member, Ride Captain and the first District Captain for District 5 in West Virginia, holding those positions for approximately 3 years until he relocated to S.C. Anytime he was leading a mission, there was never a concern about anything going wrong with it.
His very first mission as RC was a huge one. We were honoring Mr. Frank Buckles at his home in Ranson, WV. He is remembered as the last surviving Veteran of WWI in the U.S. That mission drew in the neighborhood of 150 PGR members from all over the Country and went off without a hitch. Until he moved to S.C., he continued to maintain constant contact with Mr. Buckles and his daughter, going to visit on occasion or calling to see how he was.
Joe Cumblidge — State Captain – West Virginia PGR — had this to say: “No matter how great he was as a Ride Captain, he was even a better friend. Although I was never able to get down to see him after he moved, we continued to stay in touch with each other. It was always refreshing to hear from him……. Believe me when I say that he will be sorely missed by all who new him”.
Red Man Tribe #84 will be riding to the Legion departing from Williamsport, MD at 13:15 HRS. PGR South Carolina previously provided Honor and Respect to Gary at his memorial service and we thank them for this description of Gary’s dedicated service.
American Legion Post 373
254 South Carlisle St
Greencastle, PA 17225
(flag line may break down and reform at the discretion of the RCIC)
Staging & Briefing
At the American Legion: 11:30 HRS
NOTE: Official PGR participation will terminate at 14:00 HRS. If you stay for the celebration you will be there as an individual and not be considered to be at a PGR mission after that time.
Gary’s wife has secured a block of rooms at the Comfort Inn in Greencastle. If you would like to book a room mention PGR /Gary Gaskins for a discount.
RCIC: Dale McGinnis
with respect: Mike Vogt
Veteran’s Liaison East
Greencastle, PA 17225