The Patriot Guard Riders have been requested to stand in silent Honor and Respect for Candelario Gabriel “Lilo” Ledezma, U.S. Army Veteran, and for William “Dakota” Wolfe, son of WV PGR members Bill and Tracy Wolfe, for their combined final services on Wednesday, 14 Nov 18, in Buckhannon, WV. Both young men tragically lost their lives in an automobile accident on 08 Nov.

Services will be held at the Poling-St. Clair Funeral Home, 95 S. Kanawha St., Buckhannon, WV from 1100-1400. Interment will follow.

Staging Time: 1230 pm.

Poling-St. Clair Funeral Home
95 S. Kanawha St.
Buckhannon, West Virginia 26201

Ride Captain:
Wayne and Sharon Turner (waynesharon93@yahoo.com) are the RCIC of this most Honorable mission

Special Instructions:

Please arrive as quietly as possible as visitation will already be in progress. 

Mission brief: 1245 pm. 

Flag line will be in place NLT 1300 and maintained until the start of services at 1400. 

At the conclusion of services, our flag line will be set as Lilo is transferred to the hearse for his final journey. 

Escort will be provided to Floral Hills Cemetery, 303 Zachs Run Road, Mt. Clare, WV (https://tinyurl.com/y7c2vtzo), a distance of approximately 21 miles. 

Upon arrival at the cemetery, our flag line will be set and maintained for the duration of graveside services

Flags & Water:
Flags will not be provided

If you have large bike flags, please bring them.

Water WILL NOT be provided, please bring your own.
Submitted By: Joe Cumblidge
Position: West Virginia State Captain

95 S Kanawha St, Buckhannon, WV 26201