22 JUL 2011
The Patriot Guard has been invited to stand a flag line for this dedication in
honor of Larry K. Conley. Mr. Conley was the Chief of Police in Belle from 1965
until 199l when he retired. During this time he was also very active in many
community organizations.
Staging will be at the parking lot across from the Fidler & Frame Funeral Home
at 1126 E. Dupont Avenue in Belle at 5:30 PM with a short briefing. KSU at 5:40
The temporary ride capt. for this mission will be Gene Moore. His contact
information is home, 304-949-5385 or cell is 304-807-0165. Email is
There will be no escort, as always bikes or cages are welcome. Bring you 3 X 5
flag for the flag line, and if you do not have one there will be extras at the
mission. Please continue to monitor this thread for any changes.\
Belle, WV 25015