For anyone who might be unable to attend the escort for the Bataan Death March survivors next Friday, 24 June, there will be a bridge dedication service in memory of Lloyd Robinson, an Army Ranger who was KIA in Vietnam in June 1971.
The location of the bridge is on U.S. Route 19 (Exit 91, I-79), 1/2 mile past the Stonewall Resort on Oil Creek Road.
The ceremony begins at 1000 and will be attended by 4 members of Lloyd’s unit, as well as numerous family members. His niece and few others from NE Ohio will have their bikes with them, just in case any of you are able to attend. His niece, Linda Dillon, lost her son in Iraq in 2007 and the PGR was there for her, thus her requesting we also attend this ceremony. Unfortunately, due to the non-availability of anyone to Ride Captain this and the conflicting escort mission, I was forced to tell here we, regrettably, could not make this an “official” mission.
Anyone who is able and willing to attend, either as private citizens or in the name of the PGR, please feel free to do so.