
Help On The Homefront (HOTH)

Patriot Guard Riders

Help On The Home Front

National Vision Statement


“It is the intention of the Patriot Guard Riders (PGR) to assist the Veteran’s community by taking a proactive role in the reintegration of our wounded Veterans into the societies they protect and defend. This directive is set out by the National Board for the PGR and intended to augment the PGR mission as written. The PGR wishes to serve all heroes; not only the ones who paid the ultimate sacrifice but also the one whose life has been forever changed by the actions and events of his service to the United States of America.”

“The physical condition of some of these Veterans often creates overwhelming and seemingly insurmountable challenges as they struggle to adapt. Often, they will have to relearn the things that give them a sense of pride, accomplishment, and personal satisfaction.  For many, life will never be the same. It is our intention and vision to secure a place in our communities that will continue to honor and assist these heroes with the dignity and respect they deserve. They are true American heroes who must overcome their disabilities. They are our friends, family members and neighbors; it is an honor to be in their confidence.”

“This confidence must not be taken lightly. We should visit and befriend these Veterans as they recover and heal. We should be waiting with open arms to help them readjust to life as they return home after months or years of inpatient hospital living. Finally, we must maintain this sacred trust we develop for as long as these Veterans need us, up to and including a lifetime if the need exists.”

Below are the short-term objectives of the PGR plan to provide Help On The Home Front. Thus far, resounding support and good will has been generated and we are greatly honored to proceed on this small footing. The achievement of a portion of our goals could mean a great deal of comfort and success to these Veterans who are now faced with living a very different life than they ever considered possible. For that reason alone, the PGR must press on and amplify the good that the PGR already accomplishes!”

Short-Term Goals:

1.      Establish a strong presence and mentoring program on Brooke Army Medical Center, Walter Reed Army Medical Center and Bethesda Naval Hospitals.

2.      Work diligently towards the recommendations set forth by medical personnel regarding our involvement with wounded Veterans.

3.      Establish a support network for catastrophically wounded Veterans who are reentering their communities. This is a continuation of the inpatient program.

4.      To develop a National plan to be carried out on the state level for an active and frequent PGR presence in all of the VA hospitals and homes nationwide.

5.      Develop state Veterans’ Assistance Officers to communicate effectively between the state and National levels.”

This is the foundation of the plan we will be pursuing. We do not wish to dilute the efforts of our primary mission – honoring those who have fallen.  Nor, do we intend to overshadow or infringe upon any of the excellent programs and efforts of other Veterans’ service organizations. It is our desire that we, as an organization, do all we can to support any worthwhile endeavor that enhances the lives of wounded Veterans, and maintains the PGR mission of honoring fallen heroes. The good will of the other active Veterans’ organizations is highly valued and greatly appreciated. We are all in this together, and in the end it is the wounded Veteran who benefits.”

“It is our hope that any PGR who cannot make honor missions due to work commitments, financial reasons, or family duty may find in this program, an avenue to support our Veterans and their families at a time when they most it.”

“It is with the support of our ever-growing membership, Government coordination, and the mutual support and respect of other organizations, that the PGR Help On The Home Front program can indeed be a success.”


To add to the National PGR Vision Statement, here in West Virginia we strive be aware of the needs of any of our wounded service men or women and, whenever possible, provide needed assistance.  We also take great joy in being able to welcome our troops home from their deployment, be it an entire unit or a single individual.  Whenever requested, we also take pride in being present when any of our troops are being deployed, no matter where the deployment may be.  It is our strong belief that, whether departing or returning, all our military needs to know they are being strongly supported by a grateful Nation and State.

If you know of a soldier or Veteran in need of assistance or someone who is deploying or returning home, please contact one of the following:


At the moment, please send your emails or requests to:  WVSC@patriotguard.org


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