Due to the expected extreme heat conditions that are forecast for the area, for the safety of our members I am regrettably ordering a STAND DOWN for this mission.


The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited to stand in silent Honor and Respect for U.S. Army Veteran Russell Knuckles for his final services and internment on Saturday, 20 Jul 19

Staging Time: 11:30 AM

Bream Presbyterian Church

317 W. Washington Street
Charleston, West Virginia 25302


Ride Captain:

Ride Captain assignment is currently pending.

Special Instructions:

Staging: 11:30 AM.

Briefing: 11:45 AM.

Flag line will be in place NLT 12:00 PM and will be maintained until the start of services.

At the conclusion of services, flag line will be set for his dignified transfer to the hearse.

Escort to the Fairplains Cemetery, Ripley, WV.

Upon arrival at the cemetery, flag line will be set and maintained for the duration of graveside ceremonies.

Flags & Water:
Flags will not be provided

Large Bike Flags will NOT be needed.

Water WILL NOT be provided, please bring your own.

Submitted By: Susan Whitlatch
Position: West Virginia Mission Submitter