
The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited to stand in silent Honor and Respect for SGT Joseph Paul Hitt, U.S. Army, Desert Storm Veteran and Lewis County EMS for his final services and internment on Sunday, 05 Jul 15.  Joseph went to be in the Lord’s Army on Tuesday, 30 Jun 15.

Services will be at the Pat Boyles Funeral Home, 144 Hackers Creek Rd., Jane Lew, WV (https://www.patboylefuneralhome.com/_mgxroot/page_10749.php) beginning at 1400.

West Virginia Ride Captain John Brown (kz800c@yahoo.com) is the designated RCIC of this most Honorable Mission.

Staging will be at the funeral home at 1130PLEASE, arrive as quietly as possible as there is family only viewing from 1115 until 1200.

Mission briefing at 1145.

Flag line in place NLT 1200 and maintained until the start of services.

At the conclusion of services, flag line will be set at Joseph is moved to the hearse for his final ride to Forest Lawn & Garden Cemetery, Jane Lew, WV, a distance of approximately 4 miles.

Upon arrival at the cemetery, our flag line will be set once again and maintained until the family departs.

Weather forecast for Sunday is for temperatures in the high 80’s with a 60% of sunshine.  Please ensure you keep yourself properly hydrated.  Dress and travel accordingly.

Realizing this is a holiday weekend, if there is any way you can spare a few hours to come out and say “Thank You” and “God Speed” to another of our native sons who so willingly served, not only our great Country but also the citizens of Lewis County, that would be greatly appreciated by the family.




Jane Lew, WV 26378